Other Consulting Services

IT/Network Health Assessment

This consulting engagement will provide you with a detailed understanding of your IT environment’s current state in terms of security, as well as offer advice on how to fix any problems found. It also includes advice on implementing new security measures so you can have a more secure system.

The Basic IT Security Assessment includes the following:

  • Status of patch/update management
  • List of identified vulnerabilities with remediation plan
  • Risk profile for all servers & network devices
  • Review of firewall/UTM configuration with recommended changes


Number of Devices


Up to 250




More than 500

Basic IT Security Assessment

This consulting engagement will provide you with a detailed understanding of your IT environment’s current state in terms of security, as well as offer advice on how to fix any problems found. It also includes advice on implementing new security measures so you can have a more secure system.

The Basic IT Security Assessment includes the following:

  • Status of patch/update management
  • List of identified vulnerabilities with remediation plan
  • Risk profile for all servers & network devices
  • Review of firewall/UTM configuration with recommended changes


Number of Devices


Up to 250




More than 500

Enhanced IT Security Assessment

If you need a more comprehensive security assessment, Axeleos offers an in-depth security assessment.  This assessment is recommended for companies who are subject to stringent regulatory frameworks including PCI-DSS, HIPAA, or GLBA.  In addition to the options offered in the Basic IT Security Assessment, the Enhanced Assessment includes the following:

  • Security assessment report with alignment to one regulatory framework of your choice
  • Full vulnerability assessment for custom/in-house developed code
  • Comprehensive review of company’s IT security policies & procedures, with recommendations for improvement where appropriate
  • Data access review with recommendations for access control modifications
  • Risk profile scoring


Number of Devices


Up to 250




More than 500

IT Audit Preparedness Assessment

If your company is preparing for an audit by a regulatory agency, our IT Audit Preparedness Engagement can help you identify and remediate potential findings in advance of the official audit.  Our security experts have extensive experience dealing with information security audits and know what auditors are looking for during a regulatory audit.  The IT Audit Preparedness Engagement includes the Enhanced IT Security Assessment as well as the following elements:

  • Audit report aligned to the regulatory framework by which you will be audited
  • Review & revision of your company’s established information security policies & procedures
  • Engagement & assistance during the regulatory audit

Axeleos can assist with the following regulatory frameworks:

  • Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS)
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
  • Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA)
  • US National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST 800-53)


IT Audit Preparedness Engagements start at $7,500.  Please contact us so we can discuss your company's situation and provide a custom quote.

Reach out to Axeleos today to discuss your needs.

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