November 16

The Advantages of Migrating Your IT Infrastructure to the Cloud

Using the cloud to host your company’s IT infrastructure brings with it many advantages, including lower costs and increased flexibility. Whether you’re just beginning to migrate your business’s IT to the cloud or are well into the process, these advantages can help you make your case to management about why moving to the cloud is important for your company’s long-term growth prospects.

1) Why is Cloud Migration so Necessary?

Cloud migration is an important consideration for any business looking to lower its costs. Cloud computing infrastructures allow businesses to essentially rent servers, software and other resources on a pay-as-you-go basis. This allows businesses a higher degree of flexibility, along with significant cost savings over time. A cloud migration may also be more manageable, as it can occur in phases or on a project-by-project basis, meaning your company won’t need to make big investments up front.

In addition, many companies find that utilizing cloud services allows them access to capabilities their own IT department doesn’t have—like robust security solutions—which means they get more bang for their buck from their current equipment if they utilize cloud computing rather than simply upgrading on their own.

2) How Much Does Migrating to the Cloud Cost?

Before you begin your migration, take a moment to estimate how much it will cost. Although cloud computing is largely pay as you go and can help reduce your expenses, there are still plenty of upfront costs that could impact your company’s bottom line.

For example, migrating data from an on-premises server will typically involve hiring a firm such as Axeleos to oversee the process. If you outsource management services after migrating, those fees also come into play. You’ll also want to consider how much it will cost to transfer data over different mediums; whether by backup or direct transfer; and if your current backups (if any) can be restored in case anything goes wrong during transfer.

3) How Much Can You Save by Migrating to the Cloud?

The main reason for moving your business’s information technology infrastructure to a cloud environment is cost savings. Cloud-based services reduce overhead and maintenance costs by eliminating equipment and increasing operational efficiency. Whether you choose a cloud provider like Microsoft Azure or one of its competitors, you can expect significant cost savings right away.

Consider that managed cloud providers operate on such a large scale that they’re able to amortize many costs, including those for purchasing hardware and bandwidth, across hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of clients. They also enjoy high levels of up-time (Microsoft says more than 99 percent), which means you’ll likely experience minimal downtime even if some servers go down for maintenance.

4) What Are Some of the Benefits?

Businesses are beginning to move their infrastructure to cloud-based solutions, because it offers several advantages over on-prem infrastructure. As discussed earlier, cost is a factor. Cloud providers are able to offer users access for significantly less than it would cost for an organization to provide that same access internally—especially when you factor in security and uptime, which can become expensive problems if not managed properly.

Additionally, cloud platforms are developed with scalability in mind. Because they support multiple customers at once, companies don’t have to worry about excess capacity or spending additional money on hardware upgrades every time they need more space or storage. Scalability is particularly valuable if your business plans to expand its reach across multiple regions or countries.

5) How Do I Sell the Cloud to Management?

There are many ways you can convince management that moving your business’s IT infrastructure to a cloud service is a good idea. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as pointing out that it will cost less money. The three main things you should focus on are cost savings, increased flexibility, and security. Once you explain how leveraging a cloud solution will help your company in these areas, management will be more likely to agree with your plan. A cloud consulting firm like Axeleos can help you craft a value proposition that’s sure to get management seriously considering migrating into the cloud.  Contact us today for a free initial consultation!


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